Basic script

This will tell you how to kill your character through scripts.  This script is on many other sites, but I will explain what it does .
What you want to do is go into the game then go to the workspace then go to your character (in this case jnv15)  then you want to go to your head and remove it.
the computer will not understand this. 
So you must make it to a transition stage of scripting as I like to call it.  so it will look like this: game Workspace jnv15 head remove
The computer still wont understand this so then it must go to the full scripted stage.
It will look like this:  game.Workspace.jnv15.Head:remove()
This the computer will understand then the computer will understand this.  it will now go to the characters head and remove it, and like real humans it needs its head to survive.  it will kill you and you will respawn at the spawn point.

Another way to kill yourself is to lower health in the humanoid.  The humanoid is the part of your character that controls the animations of your character like jumping sitting, and walkspeed.  The health is here.  So you have to go to the characters humanoid in the game which the transitional stage of this would be game workspace jnv15 humanoid health to zero. The final stage is game.Workspace.jnv15.Humanoid.Health = 0

These two methods of killing yourself are simple scripts their one liners as I call them.  Scripts can be up to 100's of lines long.  I don't know if i ever will have that long of scripts but if I do I will be an accomplished scripter.

Ending scripts:
game.Workspace.jnv15.Humanoid.Health = 0