

To create a message you need to insert a message, but if you try to go to insert and put one in their like that then change the text.  If you do then it will stay their until you take it out of the workspace.  We need to make a script that will put in a message and change the text then we need to remove it.  
We will do all this with a "multiline" script.  
Lets get started.  To insert a new part you need to do"object")  in this case it is"Message").  This will insert the message, but it won't appear.  We need to put text in it.  So we need to have the messages text be what you want it to say in this case "Learn how to script at my website!".  Then we will leave it up their for lets say 3 seconds. Then we need to remove it.  

So we need to make the transition stage which would look like this"Message") Text = Learn how to script at my website! Message remove
Now we have a new stage the oneline stage.  This will look like this."Message")"Message").Text = ("Learn how to script at my website!") wait(3)"Message"):remove()
This is what the final product will look"Message")"Message") Text = ("Learn how to script at my website!")wait(3)"Message"):remove()

Their is an easier way of doing this.  Its called a shortcut this will make it allot less typing especially in long scripts.  The way you do this is put local in front of the line.  then put any letter(s) after it with = then what you want it to stand for. In this case it would look like: 
(The picture above will show you how to do it with a function which is on the next page the function will make it appear when the character comes into your place)

(Final Script)
local m ="Message")
m.Text = ("Learn how to script at my website!")
